Comprehensive Guide to Heart Failure: Unusual Signs and Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

4. Decreased Exercise Tolerance

Heart failure can impair the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently, leading to decreased exercise tolerance. If you find yourself getting easily fatigued or short of breath during physical activities that were previously manageable, it may be a sign of underlying heart failure. It is important not to dismiss such changes and to discuss them with a healthcare provider.

5. Persistent Cough or Wheezing

A chronic and persistent cough, sometimes accompanied by wheezing, can be a lesser-known symptom of heart failure. Fluid accumulation in the lungs can lead to coughing and wheezing, which may worsen when lying down or during physical exertion. If you experience an ongoing cough that doesn’t seem to resolve, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

6. Loss of Appetite and Nausea

Heart failure can cause digestive disturbances, leading to a loss of appetite and feelings of nausea. This can be attributed to the body’s impaired ability to properly process nutrients. If you consistently experience a lack of appetite and feelings of queasiness, it is important to discuss these symptoms with a healthcare provider.

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