16. Collie: A Trustworthy Intellectual

The Collie shines as a diligent and smart herder, ranking sixteenth on the intelligence scale. Known for their intelligence and responsiveness to training, Collies have proven to be excellent companions in various roles, from guiding the visually impaired to herding livestock on farms. Discover the brilliance of Collie obedience with dog training professionals.
15. Keeshond: A Clever and Lively Companion

Clever and lively, Keeshonds hold the fifteenth position in intelligence. They are highly affectionate and make great family pets. Ensure your Keeshond’s well-being with comprehensive pet insurance that covers all their needs.
14. Belgian Malinois: Intelligent and Driven

Belgian Malinois dogs are known for their intelligence, drive, and work ethic. They rank fourteenth in intelligence and are often seen in roles such as police, military, and protection dogs. Keep your intelligent Belgian Malinois in peak condition with specialized dog insurance that caters to their active lifestyle.
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