13. English Springer Spaniel: Intelligence in the Field

English Springer Spaniels exhibit both intelligence and enthusiasm for work. Ranking thirteenth, they excel in hunting and retrieving tasks. Proper training is vital to harness their intelligence effectively. Explore dog obedience classes tailored to your Springer Spaniel’s needs.
12. Miniature Schnauzer: Smart and Spirited

Landing twelfth on the intelligence ranking, Miniature Schnauzers are both smart and spirited. Their intelligence, combined with their alert nature, makes them great watchdogs and lively companions. For peace of mind and comprehensive coverage, consider pet insurance for your beloved Schnauzer.
11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi: Big on Intelligence

Despite their short legs, Pembroke Welsh Corgis are big on intelligence, securing the eleventh position on the intelligence scale. Their intelligence, paired with their herding instinct, makes them excellent competitors in various dog sports. Nourish your Corgi’s brilliance with the right dog training regimen.
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